ENTERTAINMENT WORLDs 2 DOWN AND GETTING PERSONAL W. CAROL-J ! Feel free to visit my other projects in creation! * I am also a music artist hip-hop artist soon feat. with Grammy Winner , Frankie Biggz Lucio, Record Producer * Writer /Blogger for StarBrite Ent./Aristocrat Music/GMG/Ingrooves/Fontana (Affiliated Universal Records) Add My Pages Sexy World! www.facebook.com/CAROLJANIMAE www.facebook.com/caroljeverettmusic www.myspace.com/caroljpopfactory www.reverbnation.com/carolj08
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Rowan Sebastian Atkinson, where has he Bean? Born January 6, 1955, this English Comedian was raised in Consett, England. He was an actor and writer known for playing title roles in mainly U.K. television. He was raised by farmer parents and educated at Dorham, Choristers School and studied electrical engineering at Newcastle University. After Newcastle University, he attended Oxford (Queen's College), starting his comedy career. The beginning success of his careerwas his starring in his medieval sitcom called "The Black Adder" which he also co-wrote this sitcom with Richard Curtis in the year 1983. The following year after his most known creation was his speechless comedy form of " Mr. Bean". Mr. Bean was a half hour special on what was called Thames Television, which I'm little unsure of "Thames". The point is he made television for some time.
In the year 2003, Atkinson, or as some may know him as Mr. Bean was named one of the 50 funniest acts in British Comedy. Believe it or not this man has earned about 60 million dollars in his film and comedy acts of his lifetime. His hobbies these days is collecting fast cars which is stated he has a large beautiful home and several car models. Mr.Bean if you know this or not starred as Zazu in "The Lion King", played a part in "Hot Shots, Part Duex", "Rat Race", "Scooby Doo", many others and of course "Bean 2". I bet now days he is retired and chilling with his wife that he married in 1990 and his 2 children sitting back in their comfortable home. Yes, this man did mac some game, lol! Who would think a odd looking and strange comedian like this could pull and keep the bait? His wife is ok looking though. Then again look also at Flava Flav, and all the model bait on his show wanted him pulled in lol, shows money makes loving a person. I'm just surprised anyone would want Flava Flav. Love or the money? What do you ladies think now days? Question answered on my behalf off the main subject and on a persnal mind frame I say the love before material things, I could never marry rich and feel like a trophey wife at home most of the time, I'm no matter what single or married I rather get my own and hold my own also that's why I'm trying my best to get there it is hard whithout the better half's help, maybe I'm just different, idk. I like my relationship on same money income level maybe him or me just a little more than the other, but not so much richer, it's not how it always is in this economy, but that's how I prefer it. Anyway's, ending this blog, just where has this man Bean these days? By the way, if you ever wind up in a locker room with this guy or in a gym, make sure your not wearing Bean's or another man's pants! Feel free to comment below I would love to read your opinions on the discussion board and "CAROL-J'S HOT TOPIC" of the week.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
SAY WHAT! They are calling this COMEDY! Well, at least they got the title right for this movie, "Vampires Suck". I must admit I am a major fan of vampire movies too and this mimic, "Vampires Suck" so called comedy of one of my favorite movies, "Twilight Eclipse", but man they just had to spoil this one. Also, what happened to coming up with our own creation or ideas these days. Why do we have to take parts similiar to another movie and another's idea and get in the big scenes with it and make actual money from it. These theives! I personally don't believe in getting rich from other's piece of creations, especially by trying to make it funny and it's totally ridiculous, I just can't give the support or respect. This by far from what I've seen has got to be the worst trailer of any movie I've seen in awhile.
Distributed by 20th Century Fox and produced by Peter Safran, Aaron Seltzer, and Jason Friedburg this movie was realeased August 18th, 2010. It is rated PG13 with some sexual content, violence, and inapporopriate language. The most known star in this movie is Ken Jeong. Ken Jeong is a okay actor but has got many roles in other known movies that were quite popular such as one of my favorites, "Transformers 3", he played a voice of a talk show called "Dispicable Me", played Mr. Chow in the movie "The Hangover", and Dr. Kuni in the movie "Knocked Up". This so called hilarious comedy is based on a mimic copycat comedy form of the "Twilight Eclipse" characters but just with different actors looking similar and parts depicted in a funny form lol. I mean come on people who like actually like this movie, the guy in the trailer pictures the girl's face turn into a big cheeseburger, then attacks her, is that not hilarious ha ha ha, im falling on the floor right now. No seriously! Anyway the story is abouth a girl named Becca, she is torn between two boys, uhh umm, sounds familiar, her and her friends come to drama with other vampires and the settlement ends her problems at the prom. I will not tell the rest for all you Vampire fans who will probably see this movie anyways. The trailer for those who have not yet viewed is at the top of this post please feel free to comment and also newcomers make sure you click on follower at the right hand side of the top of this page where you see my little icon cartoon real small. I f you can't find it like some had a hard time feel free to let me know and I'll help. It's very easy to comment and no you don't need to be part of the blogging community to voice your opinions, Thanks for reading up again and enjoying my posts thats why I continue to write for thise who said they enjoyed.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Should Critics Criticize Eminem' feat. Rihanna's "LOVE THE WAY U LIE" VIDEO? Or is it too HOT for them to handle?
Ohhhhh here we Go! Go! Goooooo! Critics? Are they cold as the cold wind blows or is the video too hot for them to handle? Well, how we should have known ladies and gentlemen our great incredible Eminem has pulled another great one from out of his lab. Director, Joseph Khan, also director on works of Lady GaGa, 50 Cent, Gwen Stephani, and many other's famous stars has team up with Eminem featured with "Rihanna" and filmed his new video at #1 in BillBoard Magazine for three consequetive weeks in a row, "LOVE THE WAY U LIE". From my personal point of view and many many fans think this video is heat and sexy dangerous. Megan Fox from former movie "Transformer's" was a sexy choice for the video with her smooching actor, "Dominic Monaghan" in the domestic chemistry of fire. Wow, I wonder how David Green felt watching that one, lol, it almost looked as if they both forgot the caste was filming! Just that is what great acting is though in my opinion.
The filming was directed in L.A. and the video itself depicts a couple going through what a lot of people in our society's world go through when their in a domestic violent or abusive relationship. The critics are harping on almost everything Em touches because I think of his past album's of him talking about choking or killing in his songs. I think this album is incredible because look at our world today, his album's are not actually just based on him, he never killed anyone or done half of what he rapped about, even if he did think about doing the stuff he rapped about, but what he raps about does happen in this world's reality. I think Eminem has grown smarter and on a more mature level as he was going through his detoxing and relapses. It made him a better artist and he is gaining more and more respect and more people are voting on more awards for his music and now he's becoming a great producer in the business. The fire in the video throughout the house i think is like a metaphor for couples that are combustible to eachother and they seemed to both be victims of domestic violence, yeah sort of like "Rihanna and "Chris Brown's" situation. R&B singer, Rihanna, was such a great decoy for the video because I know it had to be little difficult for her but also great in the sense she could play her part well in the chorus verse because she could really understand and play her small but big part. Rihanna has come along way since that scenario despite how some just seem to love to hate, she's still great, famous, and rich bitches remember that! Sometimes it feels so good to say something so bad don't it? Sad, but true. "Love The Way You Lie" official Eminem feat. Rihanna with the sexy actors Megan Fox and Dominic Monaghan should be aired on "MTV" for the first viewing was able to be viewed this past Thursday at 9p.m. so go check this out or look it up on "U-Tube" videos if if didn't see this go view it today. You comment and decide below under my comments, what's your input on the video filming, and caste member's. Should these critic's really be right on depicting how bad it is to show this video because it portrays domestic abusive relationship violence or did you think it's ok because it's based on reality and can teach our kids what to stay away from? What is your honest opinion? Really but first don't just judge by the video itself, hear the lyrics!
Thanks Again for Reading, CAROL-J
Also You can visit me at www.myspace.com/lilma1
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
First Pregnancies/First Trimesters:Little bout Me and "How You First Knew"
OMGoshhhh ! Writing my first blog never made me feel so sick! I am trying to type this and im feeling each stroke of key turn my stomache maybe its my first blog jitters or the orange juice my unborn child dislikes. My husband been doing this for some years on here also, he blogs on comic book art and video games. I just started, and what do you know it's also my first trimester of me finding out I'm prego. This is gonna be a little unsual blog then what I'm normally gonna post on or write about because well it's a little scary for me now that I'm discovering this new little me. It's funny I just married two years ago, just recently relocated from Philadelphia to Orlando to pursue my music career. I actually got to meet a indie Grammy Award Winning producer that was in "Billboard Magazine" for the artist he produced and won in which he was and still is later on gonna help me out hopefully after i raise a little more cash for my album. It's funny too, I was actually on my way to have this nice opportunity out in Vegas performing on huge stage in front of hundreds of people and A&R's for twenty-five minutes next year in March, but that's when the baby's born lol. Wait! Hold on, I'm feeling nausious again.
Ohhh man, it's crazy how this feeling comes and goes. Back to what i was saying though, it's like when one opportunity comes so many more bundles of joy comes into your life, but you know what that's how I know they'll be plenty more opportunities for me, i really need to get on my grind now with all the extra to save for. I didn't even think I could have a child because of my seizure medication and some other health problems I had, I been with my husband almost 10 years total now and never got pregnant until now. We thought we would have to adopt just few weeks ago and here we are now blessed. For now in the time being weak, tired, sick day to day, i decided i'll get into a little blogging and music writing and life doesn't stop like some say when there's a baby on the way. You just gotta make sure you still take care of your responsibility as a mother, father, or so forth and make sure you make time for them and make family time. So moms and dad, find ways in your life to continue doing what it is you love to do, there's millions of opportunities. Hopefully, my child will get opportunities like me in the future and maybe be like mommy lol or you daddy, we can't exclude the daddies.
Now I wanna know some stories ladies, how you first knew you were pregnant? Did you go to the doctor's, wind up in the hospital for something and just found out while you were there, did it jump out the toilet and bite you lol, no i'm just kidding on that one, or did you start craving this strange mix like this story this guy i know told me his wife started craving sugar and mayonaise sandwhiches, ewwwww. I would like to knw if there's anymore actually of those strange cravings like this out there, I would like to really hear some more stories like this. My personal story is nothing too extraudinary I had just been few weeks late on my period, which I'm usually late anyways because of my seizure medication I take it throws me little off but, I knew it was little more late then the normal late. It was funny cause I always was saying to my husband i think I'm regnant almost every month I been late and he got to the point saying "Look I know you'll be pregnant if your two months late, lol" but this time when I said it he said for the first time "Well, you could be." Then this time i just let it go until after I went down to my friends house and she said from noticing the shirt I had on, "Carol, OMG, your pregnant, your stomach looks shaped how I was when I was pregnant with my son." Well, I just laughed and said no I'm not, it's probabley from all the fast food we been having at Taco Bell, McDonald's, and partying. Guess what, 2 days later i took pregnancy test and now I'm blessed. Then to be certain I waited three more days to take another one and same positve blessing with the fact I started dryheaving that same day, I said yep for sure now. Weeks prior I been so moody and even did something unsual like stupidly quit my job because of the Company made me so miserable and was so full of shit in their promises and treats employees like doormats, but now im thinking it must have been part of my hormones for just leaving with no backup because I now discovered I been pregnant since time i quit so this must marked the beginning of my raging pregnaancy hormones. I found out from the hospital few nights ago that I am 6 weeks now and 11 days, baby is due March 12, 2011. I had to get rushed to hospital because I was really sick one afternoon with a raging headache for over 4 days it was getting extremely worse. They took my vitals and had to put me in "Acute Care" for most of the night because I had high blood pressure and high blood sugar from body changes happening through my pregancy, so they labeled me as "high risk" with the fact I have "Epilepsey" even though I haven't had a seizure in 16 years that I know about. So that sums it up for me for now, just lots of headaches, extreme exhaustion and sleeping constantly, dizziness, and dryheaving here and there. I am really nervous though bout pushing out this watermelon when i'm like a baby with a papercut lol, but i would love to hear some stories from mother's out there and you can also blog little about yourself, I would love to hear from you. Thanks for Reading if you had time! CAROL-J (Blogs2OPinions)
Also if you have myspace and facebook go to www.myspace.com/lilma1
Ohhh man, it's crazy how this feeling comes and goes. Back to what i was saying though, it's like when one opportunity comes so many more bundles of joy comes into your life, but you know what that's how I know they'll be plenty more opportunities for me, i really need to get on my grind now with all the extra to save for. I didn't even think I could have a child because of my seizure medication and some other health problems I had, I been with my husband almost 10 years total now and never got pregnant until now. We thought we would have to adopt just few weeks ago and here we are now blessed. For now in the time being weak, tired, sick day to day, i decided i'll get into a little blogging and music writing and life doesn't stop like some say when there's a baby on the way. You just gotta make sure you still take care of your responsibility as a mother, father, or so forth and make sure you make time for them and make family time. So moms and dad, find ways in your life to continue doing what it is you love to do, there's millions of opportunities. Hopefully, my child will get opportunities like me in the future and maybe be like mommy lol or you daddy, we can't exclude the daddies.
Now I wanna know some stories ladies, how you first knew you were pregnant? Did you go to the doctor's, wind up in the hospital for something and just found out while you were there, did it jump out the toilet and bite you lol, no i'm just kidding on that one, or did you start craving this strange mix like this story this guy i know told me his wife started craving sugar and mayonaise sandwhiches, ewwwww. I would like to knw if there's anymore actually of those strange cravings like this out there, I would like to really hear some more stories like this. My personal story is nothing too extraudinary I had just been few weeks late on my period, which I'm usually late anyways because of my seizure medication I take it throws me little off but, I knew it was little more late then the normal late. It was funny cause I always was saying to my husband i think I'm regnant almost every month I been late and he got to the point saying "Look I know you'll be pregnant if your two months late, lol" but this time when I said it he said for the first time "Well, you could be." Then this time i just let it go until after I went down to my friends house and she said from noticing the shirt I had on, "Carol, OMG, your pregnant, your stomach looks shaped how I was when I was pregnant with my son." Well, I just laughed and said no I'm not, it's probabley from all the fast food we been having at Taco Bell, McDonald's, and partying. Guess what, 2 days later i took pregnancy test and now I'm blessed. Then to be certain I waited three more days to take another one and same positve blessing with the fact I started dryheaving that same day, I said yep for sure now. Weeks prior I been so moody and even did something unsual like stupidly quit my job because of the Company made me so miserable and was so full of shit in their promises and treats employees like doormats, but now im thinking it must have been part of my hormones for just leaving with no backup because I now discovered I been pregnant since time i quit so this must marked the beginning of my raging pregnaancy hormones. I found out from the hospital few nights ago that I am 6 weeks now and 11 days, baby is due March 12, 2011. I had to get rushed to hospital because I was really sick one afternoon with a raging headache for over 4 days it was getting extremely worse. They took my vitals and had to put me in "Acute Care" for most of the night because I had high blood pressure and high blood sugar from body changes happening through my pregancy, so they labeled me as "high risk" with the fact I have "Epilepsey" even though I haven't had a seizure in 16 years that I know about. So that sums it up for me for now, just lots of headaches, extreme exhaustion and sleeping constantly, dizziness, and dryheaving here and there. I am really nervous though bout pushing out this watermelon when i'm like a baby with a papercut lol, but i would love to hear some stories from mother's out there and you can also blog little about yourself, I would love to hear from you. Thanks for Reading if you had time! CAROL-J (Blogs2OPinions)
Also if you have myspace and facebook go to www.myspace.com/lilma1
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